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About URDE

Who we are?

Universal Research and Development Enterprise (URDE) is an emerging company dedicated to Research and Development in multiple fields. URDE is Registered Federal Government Contractor, CAGE Code: 7XH54. With headquarters in Flagler Beach, Florida, and operations in Ukraine. URDE represents a multinational team of researchers who are working on innovative solutions to critical global challenges.

Our Mission

At URDE, we are passionate about using science and technology to make the world a better place. We strive to create a positive impact on society and the planet, we are always looking for new opportunities to collaborate and innovate.

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Our projects

URDE’s core areas of focus are primarily concentrated on major scientific
breakthrough and development of technological means including manufacturing and assembly of experimental sets of technologies.

URDE throw it Parent company Brifman Science and Technology (BST) manufactures and implements small series of technological complexes to meet all customers’ requirements.

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MIP/MAP Technology

High frequency electromagnetic field/cold plazma

The ideal economy should be self-sustaining and resilient. An ability to adjust to changes in population, economic growth, natural hazards and variability in production and demand requires a level of sophistication at all stages of production, processing, and waste management.
A major limitation is likely to be the use and re-use of water and the optimization of all systems using the best available technology to approach the concept of zero waste. The mip/map technology is an example of a disruptive technology that can not only assist with the processing of liquid wastes, but it can also assist with treatment of many mining and industrial wastes, some air pollutants, and solid biological wastes.

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New paradigm Technology


Clean separation of signal and noise

Development of new mathematical methods and practical technologies for signal processing in conditions of noisy channels of information transmission systems for achieving ultra-high speeds and data reliability. 
The obtained technologies of sterile separation of signals and noise, unlike all known methods, provide for the first time the possibility of transmitting information at speeds many times exceeding the canonized limit of Capacity. This gives a colossal economic effect due to the saving of physical frequency-energy resource of the channels of wired and wireless communication systems of any type.

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Grinding Apparatus

Grinding particles and crystals to NANOparticles

The proposed technology is based on a highly efficient development of minerals (fine grinding of ore) using special equipment - grinders of special design and installations for processing in rotating magnetic fields, activating processes.

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Basalt fiber Technology

Construction materials

Fundamentally new construction materials based on basalt continuous fiber (BCF). The method of fiber obtaining refers to nanotechnology. The strength of basalt fiber is 2.5 times higher than the strength of alloy steels, but basalt fibers cannot be destroyed under the influence of acids, alkalis, sea water and do not rust, withstand temperatures from -200 ⁰С to +800 ⁰С (one-time up to +1000 ⁰С), absolutely non-combustible, do not conduct electricity and don’t magnetize. Composite fiber materials are 8 times lighter than metallic ones with the same properties, 1.5 times stronger than fiberglass products and several times cheaper than carbon fiber materials.

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Mip/Map Technology.

Micro Impulse Process/

Micro Arc Process

US Patent Pending (covering the
technology itself and multiple technological processes)

Effects on materials and media occurring during MIPMAP operations in rotating electromagnetic fields / Cold Plazma.

When the working ferromagnetic elements(inductors) rotate, polarity changes in a strong magnetic field - there is magnetization reversal at very high velocities. As a result, there are continuously emitted power impulses. A large force results as a localized effect of the order of 15 to 20 tons/mm2 acting over a small distance. There are secondary shock waves in some media. As a result, the materials are exposed to the following effects:

• mechanical (impacts from working bodies);
• hydrodynamic, expressed as large shear stresses in the fluid, induced turbulence, pressure pulses and microflow velocity changes;
• hydroacoustic in liquid media due to small-scale pressure pulses, intense cavitation, shock waves and secondary nonlinear acoustic effects;
• micro-arc and electromagnetic field of vortex current;
• hydrolysis reactions, and
• thermal effects.
A few effects are generated that combine with the local thermal and mechanical phenomena that occur when the working bodies interact with a substance. The power of these effects is so great that, acting simultaneously on any particles of a substance, they provide deep structural and energy changes. The combined effect of all factors creates a very high level of activation of all components of the substance involved in the process.

The reactions no longer are diffusion controlled but become a function of the discharge phenomena with associated increases in the rates of change or reaction kinetics. This process enables a rate increase in the treatment process by many orders of magnitude thereby reducing energy use and achieving processes previously considered unattainable.

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New Paradigm Technology

US Patent

The urde company has developed mathematical foundations for a family of new signal processing technologies in real information transmission systems in noisy channels. Our methods can be used for various systems: wired and wireless. With their help, it is possible to transmit information with speed and reliability exceeding the traditionally canonized capacity limit, defined by k. Shannon in 1948. This kind of a statement could seem absolutely unacceptable and practically impossible for a professional, who is used to think under existing dogmas. We fully understand your possible reaction to such an ambitious announcement, but please bear in mind that the growing demands of the telecommunications market far exceed the capacity of existing systems. This capacity cannot be increased within the canonized framework of existing information theory. Therefore, we propose a new theory and practice that will allow us to overcome the current information dead-end. Our results are achieved solely through a radical change in the strategy and practice of mathematical methods of noisy signals processing. We achieved these results by changing the signal recognition strategy itself. Instead of probabilistic guessing, we use sterile separation of signals and noise. The main ideas of our methods have been patented and continue patenting to time. The state of our development: almost full theoretical justification and positive test results using mathematical computational models and a physical stand. We are confident that our results create a real opportunity to break the impasse in the development of information systems. We are ready for discussions to achieve mutual understanding and cooperation with all interested organizations. We are also ready to work on training the necessary specialists for the development of communications technologies of the future. We truly believe that our fresh, unconventional perspective will truly help create a new paradigm in telecommunications.

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Grinding Apparatus

US Patent

Shredder C-270 is designed for processing materials of different hardness into a fine fraction of less than 0.4 mm. Grinding is carried out by crushing and abrasion of the material into powder.

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Basalt fiber Technology

The essence of the project is the creation of fundamentally new construction materials based on basalt continuous fiber (bcf). The method of fiber obtaining refers to nanotechnology. The strength of basalt fiber is 2.5 times higher than the strength of alloy steels, but basalt fibers cannot be destroyed under the influence of acids, alkalis, sea water and do not rust, withstand temperatures from -200 0 to +800 0 (one-time up to +1000 0), absolutely non-combustible, do not conduct electricity and dont magnetize. Composite fiber materials are 8 times lighter than metallic ones with the same properties, 1.5 times stronger than fiberglass products and several times cheaper than carbon fiber materials. Bcf materials production is absolutely environmentally friendly. Bcf materials, as a structural material, increases the durability, reliability and strength of any design, while reducing its weight and cost due to their properties. Bcf materials are made on the low energy consumption technology basis. Bcf and bcf materials can replace steel products and traditional composites according to their characteristics. Basalt fibers application in the shipbuilding industry is determined by the following factors:

1. High chemical and thermal resistance, strength characteristics and impact resistance. This determines the basalt materials performance: durability, resistance to the influence of environmental factors, corrosive environments, sea water, resistance to impulse and shock loads, alternating loads and vibrations. Basalt materials dont conduct electricity and dont magnetize. (especially important for minesweepers)

2. The ability to create non-combustible and fire-proof composite materials based on basalt fiber and inorganic binders. Inorganic binders are non-combustible and fire-resistant. Basalt composites do not emit harmful substances when heated.

3. New level of our technology and equipment allows us to produce bcf at low cost. Bcf industrial production cost falls below the cost of steel for the production of hulls and their superstructures.

4. The high thermal resistance of basalt fibers (bf). Materials which can operate under the influence of high temperatures can be produced on the base of bf (decks of aircraft carriers for vertical take-off or rockets take-off).

5. High thermal and sound insulation characteristics. It is possible to create composite materials that combine structural and thermal acoustic insulation properties

6. Low hygroscopicity - 6-8 times lower than that of glass fiber

7. High resistance and durability to the alternating loads. Bcf is used in production of high pressure cylinders (250 bar, 500 bar in testing), designed for thousands of refueling cycles. Bcf composites which are under the influence of prolonged alternating loads have little or no trace of fatigue damage - cracks and other signs of damage.

8. High shock strength of the bcf composites. Bcf is used for the production of bumps, bullet-proof vests.

9. High compatibility with other materials: metal, plastic. The use of strong adhesive joints instead of rivets and welding. This opens up a broad prospect of the whole spectrum of the combined composite materials and products: honeycomb structures, reinforced plastics, panels, load-bearing beams, claddings, ship hulls, superstructures and etc. Possibility of manufacturing of composite products with gelcoat - durable exterior coatings.

10. Possibility of bcf products manufacturing, using different technologies: molding, pultrusion, filament winding, vacuum molding, stamping, spray and other "cold technologies" that do not require significant energy costs. A promising area is the production of prepregs based bcf composites (binder preimpregnated rovings, fabrics, nonwovens, basaltic paper). Prepreg use allows to produce composite materials of high quality, high strength and durability.

11. Beautiful appearance (without the use of paint - lacquer coatings), serviceability

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Common Questions

How can I get involved with URDE?

URDE occasionally posts job openings on its website. You can also contact the company to inquire about potential collaboration or partnership opportunities.

Does URDE have any partnerships or collaborations?

URDE is in a consent scientific and technological discussions with Department of Defense (DOD) and US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

What is the research focus of URDE?

URDE research areas are only and exclusively the farther technological development
of the most advanced newest scientific breakthrough. As a rule, the ones what yet to be
pursuit by anyone.

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206 Moody Blvd, Flagler Beach, FL, 32136

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